February 2005 Blog Archives
Monday, February 28
AM When I boot up my
computer at home, this is what I see on my monitor. It was where I was
raised. Anybody been to Kailua Beach on Oahu?

AM The Dow Blog is now a
big Machen fan. Welcome to the
club, Darrell.

Trivia question: How do you correctly
pronounce "Gresham"?
AM HORSE TALK: Had a nice
long talk yesterday with a gent on a neighboring farm who is as big a fan
of horses as I am. In fact, this part of southern Virginia used to be
HORSE country. We plan to trial ride together once the weather improves,
and he will show me all the good paths through the woods behind our farm.
Seems he likes to air his horse out as much as I do mine, so looks like
we'll make a good team. Can't wait to get back into regular riding,
especially since I will be "horseless in Ethiopia" this summer.

AM The Nascent Church:
"When the
church was very young, it had no buildings. Let us begin with that
striking fact. That the church had no buildings is the most noticeable of
the points of difference between the church of the early days and the
church of today. In the minds of most people today, 'church' means first a
building, probably something else second; but seldom does 'the church'
stand for anything other than a building. Yet here is the fact with which
we start: the early church possessed no buildings and carried on its work
for a great many years without erecting any."
Ernest Loosley, When The Church Was Young.
AM I've been busy all
weekend preparing an essay on the usage of the term "pastor" in the New
Testament. I'll publish my findings later today, Deo volente.
AM Special hello to
Lewis, Ben, Van, and the 19 others I met at Hebron Church yesterday. You
are to be congratulated for sticking together through thick and thin. What
a wonderful group of people you are. I can assure you that your
Savior loves you very much and, by the way, so does this Bible teacher.
the chicks who hatched out yesterday at Maple Ridge (my son's farm).
Here's what I
wrote about your big brothers and sisters:
I can’t wait to greet
Blackie and Brownie and Whitie and Chatter Box and Little Feather (who
loves to fly up and roost on my arm)
all the rest of our grown-up hens and roosters. Entering the hen house I
will loiter quietly near the mother hens, whose delicate eyes are glazed
over with maternal bliss. I’m careful not to disturb their pacific and
protective labor. The “peep peep” of several dozen chicks is the only
sound to be heard—unless one gets too close to a sitting mama.
Yes, we enjoy our horses,
our goats, our cows, but the chickens are probably our favorite animals
to watch.
AM Just got an email from
a man who heard about DBO through Doug Phillip's ministry:
I first came across your
website several months ago when you were mentioned by Doug Phillips on his
website. Since I trusted, respected, and admired Mr. Phillips so much, I
figured that you must be a pretty good guy. Not only are you a pretty
good guy, I have found someone that more closely shares my beliefs than
anyone I know.
There is so much that I want
to say, but it would take too much time. I'll share more with you later.
I share your views on government, Southern heritage and the War for
Southern Independence, family, and most importantly, on the state of the
church and the need to go back to the New Testament model. I am still
learning about these matters and you are one of my primary teachers.
Thank you for who you are
and what you stand for. Take care, God bless, and I will write again
My wife and I began this year by asking God
to do wonderful things in people's lives, and it's great to see Him do
more than we could ask or imagine. Soli Deo Gloria.
AM Who will succeed John
Paul? What challenges will he face? Read
The next pope will have to address a host of complex issues that have
grown more and more contentious during John Paul II's reign. They
include power distribution within Catholicism, the role of women and the
in the church of the 21st century, the church's stance on complex
bioethical questions, and its role in the process of globalization. In
many parts of the Catholic world, the answers being urged by the
faithful depart significantly from those offered by the leadership. How
the next pope responds to these challenges will have broad consequences
for secular politics and contemporary culture wars, in which the
Catholic Church--the world's largest religious denomination, with one
billion members--is still an important player.
AM The new
Bible Belt.
Christian Voice
is just one of several similar groups planning to
more high- profile tactics. Next month, the MediaMarch organisation
plans to present Tony Blair with a 120,000 signature petition demanding
tougher obscenity laws.
“There is righteous anger out
there. The good people in this country have been completely ignored for
too many years, and that is going to change by hook or by crook,” said
MediaMarch founder Miranda Suit.
“We want to see
the birth of a British Bible Belt to provide this country with the firm
moral guidance it so clearly needs.”
AM Here's an actual
testimony that age-integration works, even in churches where everybody
says it can't. (Pastors, please read!)
My husband is a pastor and we started a church in
Colorado in 2001. While we had never read anything on this subject, the
Lord led him in a similar way. At 9:30 am someone (whoever got there
first) opened the church and put on coffee. By the time we arrived with
our 6 children, the folks were already fellowshipping over coffee and some
goodies. We started worship service at 10:00 am, with everyone worshipping
together, young and old-and nursing mothers right there in the assembly or
in the next room within earshot, wherever THEY felt most comfortable. We
sang A LOT! We had a loooong fellowship break (not just enough for a verse
or 2 of "The Family of God." He taught and the messages were rich and
nourishing and were not short! Afterwards we had a fellowship lunch EVERY
Sunday (something we were told would "not go over out here" when we first
moved out to Colorado). After we finished eating, we all cleaned up,
together. Usually there was no hurry because doing the dishes alongside
another was almost as fun (maybe even more fun) as eating with them. There
was so much more opportunity for the gifts of the body to be used than
just the Pastor or the singers. We also regularly took the Lord's Supper
before the meal. Although this seems to most to be intriguing, the most
compelling thing about it was that the people LOVED it, as did we. The
bond of love and fellowship that church has is something I've never been a
part of before. I must add that there was much discipling done in everyday
life and Sundays were the icing on the cake. We loved Sundays! While we
were very reverent, we were not formal, just one big happy Christian
here for more.
AM George Warnock wrote
("Feed My Sheep"):
The purpose of all
ministry that proceeds from the exalted Christ is to so minister the Truth
that the sheep of God's pasture might come into direct, unhindered
personal union with the Lord. Ministers of the New Covenant are not to be
"mediators"—as Moses was, or as Jesus is. They are rather "servants"
(Greek, "doulos" or "bond-slave") Slaves have no right to call anything
their own... not even the ministry that God gave them… It is simply a
trust that has been given into their care. They make disciples for Christ,
but they must have none of their own.
Let us hear that again:
We make disciples for Christ and have none
of our own!
AM God is always looking
for a few good men to
rebuild His temple:
If ever the house of God needed a rebuilding upon
its proper foundations, that time is today. Do we need to recount the ways
in which the church is fallen down? Temporal preoccupations
(buildings and money). Worldly power models
(one-man leadership). Degenerate theology
(cheap grace, lawlessness). Rampant subjectivism
(if I feel it, it’s real). Worst perhaps is that the church today thinks
it is rich and has need of nothing when it is in fact wretched and
miserable and poor and blind and naked. (Rev. 3:17)
Sunday, February 27
PM The latest essay on
our home page is by Mrs. Cindy Rollins and is entitled
Costs of Bearing Children.
AM Need a bit of
refreshing about Gondar, the city where Azanou's village is nearest? Go
here for an
overview. Gondar was once the capital of Ethiopia. Below: Gondar's famous
castles sitting 7,500 feet above sea level.

Azanou lives
in the Falasha village just outside of Gondar.
According to the
Lonely Planet guide book, "A
visit to the 'Falasha village,' about 6km out of town, can't be called
worthwhile; there's only a handful of Falashas left after the mass
emigration to Israel." Yet somehow Becky and I were strangely led to make
a special visit there. Now we know why.

May I
continue to urge my Internet family to pray for Azanou as he travels to
Addis this Thursday?
Saturday, February 26
PM From the weekend
G'mornin. Welcome back.
Although I guess your site has been back up for
a few days. But whenever I clicked on it, I continued to get your last
entry as the one from last Sat. This morning I did a "reload"
and---PRESTO!----several new entries. I guess I should have done it days
ago.... I'm praying for Azanou. Also I think we should have a really
strong, committed and concerted prayer crusade for Terry Shiavo. This is a
crime and a sin. I think her "husband" should picture himself in her
condition with his paramour in charge of allowing or withholding his
nourishment. I'm putting her at the top of my prayer list. I hope many
others will do the same.
To which I say: Amen.
My good friend Lee Shelton of
Ever Vigilant comments on two
essays about our modern Constantinianism:
Dear Dave,
I had just finished reading Stephen W.
Carson's latest article, "The
Constantine Trap,"
before reading "Why I Publish DBO." I think you
on something quite profound when you mentioned the Constantinian
mindset that has gripped America. If that doesn't describe perfectly
the current state of affairs, I don't know what does.
Thanks for your hard
work and for reminding us why sites like yours are important.
In Christ,
Lee Shelton
Thanks for writing, Lee. Here's
essay that is remarkably parallel to Mr. Carson's excellent piece.
PM Here's to Rachel on
launching her new
blog. Welcome, and God bless!
My in-laws are taking my wife out to an Ethiopian restaurant in
Dallas tonight. You bet I am jealous! If you've never tasted Injera and
Wot you are really missing out. Hot and spicy. And then there's the
Ethiopian coffee. Well, have a great time yall. As for the bachelor pad,
we're having -- what else -- "Chinese" food.
PM Today my son and I had
a great time going "junking," and we brought home tons of stuff, including
old broken-down chairs, doors, bed frames, and tables, which Nathan will
restore and put to very good use in his house. We also stopped in Boydton
and visited the old Randolph-Macon College site (ante-bellum) and marveled
at the beautiful construction. Sadly, the buildings are now in disrepair
and several floors have already collapsed. While driving through Southside
Virginia we also meandered through two houses dating back to the 1790s --
both in restorable condition. What a great day of goofing off and just
DBO's Weekend Assignment: I am completing an essay entitled "Pastor
As Metaphor." It's based on an inductive Bible study of passages in which
the Greek term for "shepherd/pastor" is used in the New Testament. See if
you can detect a pattern in the following usages (this is a complete
Matt. 9:36: But when He saw the
multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were
weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.
Matt. 25:32: All the nations will be gathered
before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a
shepherd divides his sheep from the goats.
Matt. 26:31: Then Jesus said to them, “All of
you will be made to stumble because of Me this night, for it is written:
‘I will strike the Shepherd,
And the sheep of the flock will be scattered.’
Mark 6:34: And Jesus, when He came out, saw a
great multitude and was moved with compassion for them, because they
were like sheep not having a shepherd. So
He began to teach them many things.
Mark 14:27: Then Jesus said to them, “All of you
will be made to stumble because of Me this night, for it is written:
‘I will strike the Shepherd,
And the sheep will be scattered.’
Luke 2:8: Now there were in the same country
shepherds living out in the fields, keeping
watch over their flock by night.
Luke 2:15: So it was, when the angels had gone
away from them into heaven, that the shepherds
said to one another, “Let us now go to Bethlehem and see this thing that
has come to pass, which the Lord has made known to us.”
Luke 2:18: And all those who heard it marveled
at those things which were told them by the
Luke 2:20: Then the
shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the
things that they had heard and seen, as it was told them.
John 10:2: But he who enters by the door is the
shepherd of the sheep.
John 10:11: “I am the good
shepherd. The good shepherd gives
His life for the sheep.
John 10:12: But a hireling, he who is not the
shepherd, one who does not own the sheep,
sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf
catches the sheep and scatters them.
John 10:14: I am the good
shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own.
John 10:16: And other sheep I have which are not
of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and
there will be one flock and one shepherd.
Eph. 4:11: And He Himself gave some to be
apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some
pastors and teachers….
Heb. 13:20: Now may the God of peace who brought
up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great
Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting
1 Pet. 2:25: For you were like sheep going
astray, but have now returned to the Shepherd
and Overseer of your souls.
All right, students. What conclusions can
you draw from these texts? My thoughts on Monday!
AM What, then, is
"ministry"? Some thoughts from
Phil Lancaster:
One way for the church to
escape the distortion of its identity and return to a more biblical
definition of its life would be to redefine ministry. This word generally
refers to some programmed response to a perceived need. Children need
training, so the church has a Children’s Ministry. Music is part of
worship, so the church has a Music Ministry. People need a ride to the
meeting as an incentive to get them there, so the church has a Bus
Ministry. And each ministry has a Minister or other ministry leader to
head it up. But is this the only way ministry can occur?
Perhaps parents could be discipled with a view to training their own
children, as Scripture says they should (Gen. 18:19; Eph. 6:4). Perhaps
each man could come to the worship service prepared with a song to suggest
for congregational singing (1 Cor. 14:26; Eph. 5:19). Perhaps the person
who needs a ride to the church meeting could catch a ride with another
family and then have dinner with them afterwards (Acts 2:46).
AM Aaah, the little joys
of life. My puppy doggie just came walking up the long gravel driveway
from my son's farm to Bradford Hall, then traipsed up the front porch
steps to be greeted by daddy. Time for a bit of romping, he says!
Update on Azanou:
Things are getting exciting! Next Thursday
he flies from Gondar to the capital of Addis Ababa for his eye assessment,
which will determine his priority for a cornea transplant in his right eye
(the left is useless). A doctor friend of ours will accompany him on the flight
(Azanou's first) and he will be met in Addis by a church leader who will
care for him the entire time he is in the capital (about two weeks). A Lutheran College where
I spoke last November will be providing room and board for them. The
assessment will take place at the Melenik II Hospital under the
supervision of
Christian ophthalmologist. If a decision is made to operate, Azanou will
go back to his village to await his surgery. He will have to be ready to
fly back to Addis at a moment's notice.
So far we have received
$679.92 in contributions from Carmon's
readers. Contributions have come from North Carolina, Michigan, Alabama,
Oregon, Washington, California, Georgia, Virginia, Texas, and Tennessee! A
heartfelt "thank you" to all. Thank you especially for your prayers that
Azanou will respond to the precious love of the Lord Jesus and receive
spiritual sight.
It is absolutely amazing for Becky and me to
stand back and watch the Lord handle all the details, in many cases using
people we've only met via the Internet.
If any children would like to write a letter
to Azanou, I would be happy to forward it to him. Just send it to me at
Bradford Hall, 2691 White House Road, Nelson, VA 24580.
AM I just learned that
there is a Confessing Church Movement within the Presbyterian Church
(USA). It is committed to "proclaiming the historic Christian confessions
of the Reformed faith." Currently it numbers some 1,310 churches. Here's
more information.

AM I will be the guest
speaker at Hebron Christian Church in Nelson, Virginia this weekend at
both 10:00 and 11:00 am.
AM The disease of
AM I was reminded of this
great verse over at
Tulip Girl
this morning:
Do not be rash with your
mouth, And let not your heart utter anything hastily before God. For God
is in heaven, and you on earth; Therefore let your words be few.
Ecclesiastes 5:2
AM Pat Buchanan on our
promise to
democratize the world:
Giddy with excitement, the
neocons are falling all over one another to hail the president. They are
not conservatives at all. They are anti-conservatives, and their crusade
for democracy will end as did Wilson’s, in disillusionment for the
president and tragedy for this country.
AM Here's welcoming
Matthew McDill and his family
to the blogosphere. I like what I see! Matt is a wonderful husband and
father and a
pastor with an unquenchable passion for God.

AM John Stott:
we are unfaithful in order to be popular, or we are willing to be unpopular
in our determination to be faithful. I very much doubt if it is possible to
be faithful and popular at the same time. I fear we have to choose.
AM Please join me in
praying for John Paul.

AM The latest addition to
our home page is Ultimate Freedom. It
is a beautiful story of the difference Jesus makes in the life of ordinary
men and women. In the words of F. W. H. Meyers:
Is there not wrong
too bitter for atoning?/ What are these desperate and hideous years?/ Hast
Thou not heard Thy whole creation groaning,/Sighs of a bondsman and a
woman's tears?
Yes, He is there, and He has heard!
Our website was down for five days and I
received several emails from those who were undergoing, as they put it, severe
withdrawal. I very much appreciate all who wrote, but folks, that's nothing compared
what I've being experiencing. Yesterday I emailed my wife in Texas
twice and spoke with her on the phone three times. Now that's
withdrawal!! You'd feel the same way if you were married to the most
beautiful and wonderful Southern belle who ever trod earthly sod --
a Proverbs 31 Woman in every possible way. And I'm not biased. If
you knew Becky, you would have to agree!
AM I agree
with what Kristen says about my favorite New Testament epistle, the
Book of Hebrews. I
believe there is no place where we can learn so much about, and have so
much light cast upon, our Great Priest (I call Him the greatest
"catholic" priest who ever lived), as we do in that great Cathedral of
Christianity known as Hebrews. A priest who offered a better sacrifice in
a better sanctuary and inaugurated a better covenant -- what more could a
lost sinner like myself want? He is my soul's desire -- my One and
Only Savior and Lord!!
JP hits it squarely on
the head:
The Death Clock
There is no better way to sugar coat this title. March 18, 2004 at
1:00pm. At this time, the feeding tubes are to be removed from Terry
Shiavo. I am not sure I grasp this whole story. At the very least, on a
moral standpoint, the husband gave up his right to be the provider of
Terry when he decided to move on with his life with another women, he
should have no say in the decision of whether or not Terry's life is to
I know that adultery in the military is punishable under the UCMJ. Is
there any accountability of this nature in civilian sector, can her
parents use that as a case to be the sole care taker of Terry? Mr.
Shiavo already broke his vows and his marriage commitment, God is aware
of that. Is there any legality to this in the civilian courts? We as
Christians need to continue to hold hands and come together as one
booming voice in continuation of prayer and support for Terry . Pray for
her soul, pray for Mr. Shiavo, pray for her parents and pray that
another stay can be issued. That is the least we can do for her. I know
that God has His arms wrapped around Terry. We all hope that Mr. Shiavo
has a change of heart and allows her live. Why is he fighting so hard
for this? Why does he not allow her parents to take care of her? What is
he gaining out of this? I can think of many reasons, but I will not
judge him. I do not know for sure....God does.
Friday, February 25
PM Our newest contributor
Heart of Hearth and Home.
AM Here's the latest
addition to our home page:
Why I Publish
AM Our friend JP over at
EnterMyMind is considering a career change and is asking the most
important question in life: "Lord, how can I glorify you in all I do?" I'm
praying for you, brother. I've been where you are several times, and I can
assure you that your Shepherd loves you and will faithfully guide you in
the path you ought to go. God bless.
Christ is the absolute monarch and sole legislator. A plurality of elders
with equal authority and responsibility in each
congregation and with no authority beyond their local congregation oversee
the affairs of the local church under Jesus, the chief Shepherd (1 Peter
5:4). All children of God throughout the world are brothers and sisters in
Christ -- with no clergy or laity distinctions -- but each congregation
must be autonomous, working within the framework of the simple
organization described in the New Testament."
AM Check the
Bush Scorecard.
AM Yes, Jesus IS God!
᾿Εν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος.
οὗτος ἦν ἐν ἀρχῇ πρὸς τὸν θεόν.
Die Zeit asks: "Aber wo genau verläuft
die Grenze zwischen begründeter Furcht und hellem Wahn?"
Good question.
Kudos to Mr. Michael Marlowe for a
fantastic website dedicated to
Bible Research.
Greek students will find
this page
especially helpful. Below: Codex Vaticanus with a marginal note that
reads: "Fool and knave, can't you leave the old reading alone and not
alter it!"

AM Meet
the man who
surfed while Pearl Harbor was being attacked.
Luther may have sounded the trumpet for
the Reformation, but it was Calvin who orchestrated the score by which it
became a part of Western civilization.
We both lived in the same European city for a time (Basel). It was here
that Calvin published his Institutes at the ripe old age of 26. Click
here to read his marvelous commentaries.
AM Mr.
Jim Day, editor of the
St. Louis MetroVoice, will be publishing
several DBO essays in his Resurrection Issue for April.
AM Prepping your spring
garden? These thoughts are for you:
is the most healthful, most useful, and most noble employment of man.
George Washington
Let us never forget that the cultivation of the earth is the most
important labor of man. When tillage begins, other arts follow. The
farmers, therefore, are the founders of civilization.
Daniel Webster
AM I just bought my Texan
this book. Hmmm, I wonder how quickly I can get him to loan it to me.
(By the by, isn't that Franklin Street photo of Lee awesome?)

AM Weblogs are the
wave of the future. It's amazing for me to realize just how much I've
come to rely on them for inspiration and news, and how much I enjoy adding
my 2 drachma to the conversation. Then to think how the Lord Jesus uses
them to increase our awareness of needs and causes that deserve our
support -- it's almost too much to fathom. Interesting blogs are starting
up every day, but people will always have their favorites (I certainly
have mine; you folks know who you are). Yet there's still plenty of room
for more (yes, Greg and Jeremy, I have you in mind).
A very special hello to the fine ladies at
the following sites and a big "thank you" for linking to Carmon's Party for
If there were others I've failed to mention, please forgive me. I
appreciate you, too.
AM Here's a novel idea
Church for the churched. I like novel ideas.
AM Terri does not have to
be starved to death. I have written Governor Jeb Bush of Florida on behalf
of the helpless. If you haven't done so yet, here's his address:
Actually, before she starves, she will die
"What will probably
kill Terri is dehydration because it's much quicker than starvation,"
Stevens said. "To starve to death takes eight to 12 weeks. You can die of
dehydration in anywhere from three to five days to two weeks."
Stevens said the amount of fluids in Terri's system when her gastrostomy
or "feeding tube" was removed and whether she receives any fluids by mouth
will determine how long she lives.
Initial effects of the lack of hydration will include:
Extreme thirst;
Nausea and cramping;
Dry skin, becoming wrinkled as fluids are drawn from the skin to hydrate
the organs.
AM So there are only 6
days to go until my wife returns from Dallas. Last night's bachelor menu:
Hamburger Mixed with Chicken Soup. Previous night: Pancakes. Tuesday night: Chinese Pork over Rice. Tonight's supper menu:
Haven't thought that far
AM From the DBO Homepage:
Evan Black on
Schiavo and marriage. Evan has a great
blog: it's interesting, it's
transparent, and it's aesthetically appealing. It also exudes the love of
Christ. What more could you ask for?
Carmon and Company
raised over $1200 for Azanou during Buried
Treasure's 1000 Posts Party on Monday. A huge tip of the kepi
to Frau Friedrich for her stamina (and her many interesting posts), to her
readers for their generosity, and to the Lord Jesus for giving all of us
the joy and privilege of sharing this cup of cold water in His name. Truly
"it is more blessed to give than to receive." Now let us pray for Azanou
as he takes his first plane trip on March 3rd and has his pre-surgery
assessment in Addis Ababa. We'll keep you posted on his progress.
Again, THANK YOU, Carmon.

think). I apologize to you,
my ever-patient readers, for
the goofy things you've been finding on my site these past few days (no,
not my essays -- I'm talking about seeing question marks where quotation marks
used to be, etc.). I'm still having problems uploading to my web host's new
server, but I've been working feverishly on this problem and will not rest
until everything is back to normal. Thanks to Jerry Lassetter for his
outstanding help! The Lord has a good purpose in all of this, as He does
in everything He allows.
At any rate, thanks for your patience, and for your encouraging emails. You are quite
simply the
greatest web audience a blogger could ever ask for!
Sunday, February 20
AM Please bear with us as
we have been having trouble with our server. Some of our pages are not
appearing on our site, even though they have been uploaded. This may take
a few days to correct. Thank you.
Saturday, February 19
It's had more than 5,000 house churches
spring up in less than two years. Guess
Meanwhile, millions of
American Christians have followed their
Chinese brethren into house churches and unincorporated churches.
PM Truth from Nazi
The exclusion of the weak
and insignificant, the seemingly useless people, from a Christian
community may actually mean the exclusion of Christ; in the poor
brother Christ is knocking at the door. We must therefore be very
careful at this point.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
Life Together
PM Brother Greg (my Rocky
Mount pal), this
one's for you.
For you see your
calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh,
many mighty, not many noble, are called. But God has chosen the
foolish things of
the world
to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the
world to put
to shame
the things which are mighty; and the base things of the world and
the things which are despised
God has
chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that
are, that no flesh should
glory in
His presence. But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom
righteousness and sanctification and redemption—that, as it is written,
“He who
glories, let him glory in the Lord.” {1Cor1:26-31}
This is to certify that the bearer hereof
________________ has been chosen, from the bottom of their class.
Not wise, mighty, nor noble, but "foolish" "weak" and "base".
Accordingly he/she is hereby qualified as God leads, to begin their
ministry of confounding the wise and prudent. Moreover, having no
excellence of his/her own, he/she is equipped with the excellency of
the knowledge of Christ Jesus their Lord. For whom they have
suffered the loss of all things, that they may "win Christ". For the
Father has chosen to pour this treasure into such "earthen vessels,"
that the excellency of the power may be of Him. (see 2 Corinthians
4:7) Furthermore, the bearer hereof, having no wisdom of his/her
own, is the recipient of Christ as their only source of Wisdom. In
their weakness He is strong. They have learned what it means to be
crucified through weakness and yet alive by the power of God. (2
Corinthians 13:4) They glory in their weakness that the power of
Christ may rest upon them.
Hue Mility
PM Update: My
mother-in-law goes home today after her successful hip replacement surgery
on Tuesday. They had her walking that afternoon. Thanks to all who
prayed. Meanwhile, the Bachelor pad (Bradford Hall, VA) is hanging on by
its fingernails in the absence of the
reine de la maison. We've had more
Chinese food (made with our secret ingredient, of course), and tonight the
plat du jour will be Spaghetti. (I don't why I'm in a
French-speaking mood today.) Cheer up, boys, only 12 days to go!
PM The ground has finally
dried out enough to permit a ride on my Thoroughbred. Alas, it was too wet
to gallop, but Traveler needs to learn there are other gaits anyway.
Use it or lose. The
Constitution, that is.
Are there enough patriots in
this land who understand the Constitution’s
timeless value and are willing to get involved in the
struggle to assure that its limitations on government are restored to full
force and effect? If so, the future looks bright. If not, America’s
flickering lamp of liberty will one day blow out.
"Once you drink of
this new wine you can never go back to the old. Would you choose a burger
and fries at the drive-up window over turkey, potatoes, and dressing at a
warm family feast?"
McChurch. (Sorry for the allusion to a fat [sic] food establishment,
but it was unavoidable.)
Mrs. Carmon Friedrich of
Buried Treasure Books
(shown here with her husband Steven at the Saint Louis Uniting Church and
Family Conference) will be blogathoning all day Monday. Let's pray for
stamina (for both of them). I already know the blogging will be

Friday, February 18
Yesterday on this blog I linked an essay
on Paul's stake in the flesh, little knowing that today I would be
decimated by a sinus headache (and forced, once again, to rely on Christ's
strength to manifest itself in my weakness). What I can do is to
pray for Ethiopia, for Azanou, and for the deteriorating situation in
Eritrea, a country just to the north of Ethiopia:
Eritrean authorities
have arrested another 31 Eritrean Christians in towns north of the capital
Asmara over the past 10 days, news agencies and persecution watchdog
groups reported yesterday. The latest police sweeps brings the total to
187 arrests for “illegal” Christian activities in Eritrea since the
beginning of January.
While in
Ethiopia last November we heard rumors of a renewed war between these two
nations. Still, we must leave everything in the hands of the Great
Helmsman, who shall steer the ship aright.
Spurgeon once said,
"The very motto of a Christian should be, 'I serve.'" When Caesar
went on his wars, he marched with his soldiers, slept where they slept,
thirsted if they thirsted, and he was always in the heart of the battle
fighting beside them. I sit at the keyboard this morning to confess from
my inmost being my gratitude to
Carmon and her readers
for joining Becky Lynn and me in sharing the love of the Lord Jesus with a
boy in faraway Africa. Neither God nor man will care to lift up a person
who lifts himself up, but both God and men unite to honor the sacrifice of
humble service. May the Lord bless you, Carmon, and may God magnify His
grace in the life of our precious Azanou. Most sincerely yours, Dave.
UPDATE: Thanks also to
for her post. I am beginning to feel that the Potter's hand is working
overtime in this matter. He deserves all the glory and praise for the
loving response of His people. Again, Kim, my deepest thanks for the link
-- and for your awesome site.
The demographics of homeschooling:
- Home school parents have more formal education than parents in the
general population; 88% continued their education beyond high school
compared to 50% for the nation as a whole.
- The median income for home school families ($52,000) is
significantly higher than that of all families with children ($36,000)
in the United States.
- Almost all home school students (98%) are in married couple
families. Most home school mothers (77%) do not participate in the labor
force; almost all home school fathers (98%) do work.
- Home school students watch much less television than students
nationwide; 65% of home school students watch one hour or less per day
compared to 25% nationally.
- The median amount of money spent annually on educational materials
is about $400 per home school student.
- The distribution of home school students by grade in grades 1-6 is
consistent with that of all school children. Proportionally fewer home
school students are enrolled at the high school level.
Have the apostle Paul's remains been
Thursday, February 17
I have just fallen on my knees to kiss
the Son and to cry out "Jesus Is Lord!" and to thank my Heavenly Father,
the Father of lights, from whom all blessings flow, for His mercy and
grace toward the Philadelphia 5. Amid temptations sore and strong and
trials fierce and bitter, the Word of God has prevailed, and we again feel
ourselves able to do battle and to bear reproach, because of the
assurances of help that we find in our God, in our Bibles, and in the
unconquerable strength of the Spirit of Jesus.
Lobe den Herrn, O meine
Grace is
enough. I
repeat: Enough!
Dear friend, whatever thorn
you are bearing today—whether it be physical suffering or opposition to
your ministry—Satan has desired to use it as a source of great
discouragement and as a hindrance to your work. Please remember that,
just as the Lord Jesus graciously made provision to sustain Paul in the
midst of his thorn, so God’s grace is available to you this very day.
Christ’s message for you is this: “My grace is sufficient; My strength
is independent of human ability; My might is displayed in human
weakness; and My will is performed despite infirmities of the body or
"Here’s the attitude that brought victory
Curtis: Focus on what you have to do, do the best you can, and be
satisfied with the results—whatever they are." Or, as Jim Elliott said,
"Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt whatever you consider to
be the will of God for your life." Amen.
America is a fleeting actor on the stage of
history. Walter Lippmann put it this way:
When Shakespeare was alive,
there were no Americans; when Virgil was alive, there were no Englishmen;
when Homer was alive, there were no Romans.
Let us, then,
focus on eternal things.
Wednesday, February 16
PM Thanks to all of you
who expressed an interest in our Reformation Tour. It has had to be
postponed until September, but the itinerary will be basically the same. I
will post details as soon as we have finalized the dates and the cost. If
you would like further information in the meantime, please call
Reformation Tours and ask for Rowena.
PM Dr. Stan Monteith has
asked me to be his guest on his Radio Liberty radio program tomorrow night
at 11:00 pm EST. The easiest way to listen is online by going to the Radio
Liberty website. You can also
listen to the program via shortwave at 5.835 or 7.535. Perhaps some of you
will call into the program tomorrow night. I'd love chatting with you!
PM David Wells on the
bane of
Until a person has experienced
the Spirit relayed consciousness that he is a totally depraved sinner, he
can never exercise a saving faith in Christ. It is absolute folly to tell
an unconvicted sinner to merely believe in Jesus and expect him to be
saved. Before a person can be saved, he has to realize that he is lost.
This conviction comes from the Holy Spirit. To sweeten the gospel for the
sake of numbers by de-emphasizing the sinfulness of man is unscriptural
and ungodly!
I am not one who believes that Reformed
theology and personal evangelism are mutually incompatible. The charge
that Calvinism is fatalism is absurd on its face, yet that position
continues to be promulgated by people who should know better. This essay
Tom Ascol
should be required reading for anyone wanting to objectively engage the
PM I am currently trying
to finish a major work that compares the Book of Hebrews with the Pauline
epistles, verse by verse and word by word. I think that even a cursory
reading of these letters will show that the style of Hebrews and that of
the generally accepted Pauline letters is sui generis. I am
considering publishing the work as a free e-book. Any thoughts?
PM The Murch family
needs our help.
Please pray for them and also consider sending them a check to help defray
their medical bills. Thank you. Dave
AM I just had to link to
this post by Evan Black on singleness and marriage. The following
snippet will wet your appetite sufficiently, I hope, to read the whole
If you desire to play Russian roulette with
your heart, then by all means start dating. I certainly would not want
to allow biblical truth to get in the way of your self-destruction. If
you bring shame to my sister in Christ, however, her Daddy will get
angry, and you don't want to see Him when he's angry. He will remind you
Who you should be kissing.
AM Seven ducks just
landed on the pond in front of Bradford Hall. Big daddy came in first,
followed by his gaggle. They are now exploring the twists and turns along
the edge, without any worries or cares. All creation praises His Holy
Name. Why shouldn't I?

AM I just heard from the
Shepherds, whom I had the
privilege of meeting at the Uniting Church and Family Conference in St.
Louis. Their delightful website is:
AM A. W.
Tozer at his best (thanks, Rachel, for the link):
What is generally overlooked is that Fundamentalism, as it spread
throughout the various denominations and nondenominational groups, fell
victim to its own virtues. The Word died in the hands of its friends.
... An unofficial hierarchy decided what Christians were to believe.
Not the Scriptures, but what the scribe thought the Scriptures
meant became the Christian creed. Christian colleges,
seminaries, Bible institutes, Bible conferences, popular Bible expositors
all joined to promote the cult of textualism. The system of extreme
dispensationalism which was devised, relieved the Christian of repentance,
obedience and cross-carrying in any other than the most formal sense.
Whole sections of the New Testament were taken from the church and
disposed of after a rigid system of “dividing the Word of truth.”
AM My radio interview
with Dr. Stan Monteith,
originally scheduled for 11:00 pm EST last Monday, has been rescheduled
for March 8.
AM That Carmon Friedrich
-- always asking for "scriptural support" and then more "scriptural
support." Ya got to love it!

AM If your syntax needs
Howe can help. (Hearty congrats, brother Tom, on your new blog.)

AM "The
Constitution Party, of which I am a member, supports phasing out the
current Social Security program 'while continuing to meet the obligations
already incurred under the system.' We also support the right of
'individuals who have contributed to Social Security be allowed to
withdraw those funds and transfer them into an IRA or similar investments
under the control of the individual contributor.' In other words, we
support true ownership of your retirement funds, not some
government-defined pseudo-ownership."
more from John
Leone and the
Silverback Standard.
This was an encouraging post by
Entdraughts. Yes, the
Lord is still very much at work in weak but yielded vessels.
Graciously, the Lord has answered some of my
feeble prayers. Our SBC premillenial, midtrib pastor recently preached
partly on Romans 9. I about fell out of my seat. He has recently started
quoting the commentaries of the late James Montgomery Boice. And even more
significant, pay attention to what happened in the service yesterday. He
preached on the deeds of the flesh, more specifically, sexual immorality
and sensuality. It was a very hard hitting sermon where he mentioned the
sins of pornography and immodesty several times. He stressed repentance as
well. Then,
we had communion.
before we partook(?) of the bread, our pastor asked us to kneel on the
floor in private confession of our sins. I don't remember us ever doing
this in the past 9 years I've been there. Plus, we don't have kneelers! It
was very powerful and reminded me that God is working in the
midst of our congregation even if some would use a broad brush and call us
a Southern Baptist, dispensational, seeker sensitive,
contemporary-music-singing megachurch. At first glance, it may seem this
way, but God is working. Let's stay on our knees and keep praying for our
churches and the whole body of Christ. He is faithful. Amen.
AM Long-time DBO reader
Matthew Henry sent me these thoughts on the
Lord's Day:
Do We Worship On Sunday?
Now if the whole church
gathers in the same place and everyone is speaking in tongues, when
uneducated people or unbelievers come in, they will say that you are out
of your mind, won't they? But if everyone is prophesying, when an
unbeliever or an uneducated person comes in he will be convicted by all
and examined by all. The secrets in his heart will become known, and so he
will bow down to the ground and worship God, declaring, "God is truly
among you!" What, then, does this mean, brothers? When you gather,
everyone has a psalm, teaching, revelation, tongue, or interpretation.
Everything must be done for upbuilding (I Corinthians 14:23-26, ISV).
I Corinthians chapter 14
is a wonderful chapter; however, it is usually overlooked for church
practice among many evangelicals because it deals with the forbidden topic
of speaking in tongues. I’d like to look at these four verses out of
chapter 14: 23 through 26.
“Now if the whole church
gathers in the same place.” Was the church not gathering in the same place
all the time? Why is this stipulation on speaking in tongues? An answer is
not entirely relevant to my thoughts. However, let’s assume that the whole
church was gathered in the same place and everyone was speaking in
When an uneducated
(unchurched?) or unbeliever came in, Paul posses the question, wouldn’t
they think you are out of your mind? The implied answer is yes. So, what
should the whole church do when we gather together? Paul goes on. If
everyone, wait a minute, did I read that right? If everyone? Shouldn’t
that say “If the pastor or teaching elder”? No, Paul says if everyone is
prophesying, when an uneducated or unbeliever comes in, that person will
be convicted by all. Oh no, wait a minute, did Paul say by all? He should
have said, by the pastor or teaching elder, right? No, he said by all.
Paul’s words are
exciting. He says, the secrets of this person’s heart will become known
and he will bow down to the ground and worship God, declaring “God is
truly among you!” Wow, when was the last time an unbeliever came into our
church services and bowed down to the ground and worship God, declaring
“God is truly among us”?
Paul again explains
himself in verse 26. He says, what does this mean, brothers? It means that
when we gather together, everyone has a psalm, teaching, revelation,
tongue or interpretation. Everything must be done for upbuilding (or
edification as other versions translate it).
If we the church truly
believed that our gatherings were for upbuilding and edification, then
those who came into our services would worship God. Our goal as Christians
meeting together is to be edification. If done, as Paul prescribes through
the Holy Spirit, it will be a worship service. For those who do not know
Now, I struggle with the
word “prophesying” in verse 24. Many dictionaries deal with all the
different usages of the word, and here it probably refers to a prophetic
gift or grace imparted by the Holy Spirit to the early Christians Acts
19:6; Acts 21:9; 1 Cor. 11:4-5; 13:9; 14:1, 14:3-5, 14:24, 14:31, 14:39).
However, I believe Paul clarifies what should happen when the church
gathers specifying a psalm, teaching, revelation, tongue or
How does this work out in
our gathering on Sunday? I see several principles made clear by Paul.
All. Everyone is to be a
part of what happens. Paul gives other rules for this in other places,
i.e., women keep silence.
Upbuilding. Everything
done is for edification
Worship. Everything done should
cause the unbeliever to worship the God we serve.
Tuesday, February 15
Happy Birthday to Wheaton College, chartered on this day in 1860. I have
respect for that generation of missionaries that Wheaton produced in the
50s and 60s, including my father-in-law and also Jim Elliott. The one went
to East Africa and today is still serving the Ethiopians, the other gave
his life for the Aucas of Ecuador. Both gave everything they had "For
Christ and His Kingdom" (Wheaton's motto), and I praise God for them.
PM On this, my first
night as a bachelor, I cooked Chicken and Broccoli for supper, Chinese
style (using my secret ingredient*). My poor son will have to put up with
dad's cooking while my wife is in Dallas with her mother. I'm listening to
the strains of that master of Renaissance music, Gabrielli, as I try to
get caught up on my emails and "house work." My main goal in life right
now is to try and keep the entire house (yes, ladies, kitchen included) as
clean as it was when Becky left it yesterday, though it already seems like
an uphill battle. It's like those two ladies I once overheard in a grocery
store. "I hate housework," said one to the other. "You spend the whole day
doing nothing but cleaning, and three months later you have to do it all
over again." Honey, I'll try to do better than that.
* Soy sauce, of
course. Put it on anything you cook and, voila, it automatically becomes
Chinese cuisine!
PM Thanks to all of you
who prayed for my mother-in-law. Her hip replacement surgery today was a
great success, for which we praise the Lord.
AM This is a huge problem
in rural Virginia, as it is in SoCal. No, not federal red tape. The
welfare mentality.
AM I just learned that
two more of my books have been translated, one into Russian (Using New
Testament Greek in Ministry), the other into Brazilian Portuguese (Why
Four Gospels?).
AM New Testament Greek
students, see if you can decipher this sentence from yesterday's BBC Greek
edition. The modern Greek used in this sentence is not dissimilar to what
you are learning. (Hint: The
story has to do with the recent elections in Iraq.)
Για πρώτη φορά στην
σύγχρονη ιστορία της χώρας, οι Σιίτες -που αποτελούν την πλειοψηφία του
πληθυσμού - αναλαμβάνουν την εξουσία.
AM "When you come
together ... let all things be done for
edification." Worship is
AM A little side trip
over to
Blog reminded me that as soon as my wife gets back from Dallas it's
time to get our garden beds prepped for this summer's veggies. We'll do
raised beds this year (water's no problem with us due to our well, unlike
Anita's situation), but we may not have as many crops as she plants. We'll
also plant a huge field of corn and expand our hay fields. I still can't
believe the Lord gave us four (4!!) cuttings of hay last summer.
AM Paul Proctor on those
"P" words.
AM Lessons from the
apostle Paul:
He didn't dull his sword by
striking it on the walls of his Roman prison.
He didn't challenge the
paganism of his day by working out an "agreement" with Caesar.
He kept his message
theologically distinctive to the very end, refusing to "tone it down"
to the level of his contemporaries.
Instead of telling Timothy
to play it safe, he stiffened his moral backbone and bade him endure
hardship as a soldier, not negotiate as a diplomat.
you a Paul? Am I?
Have you ever wiped out? I mean, big time?
Can you look back today and see what a
blessing it turned out to be?

AM I just received this
notice from the Biblical Archaeological Society:
celebration of the 20th anniversary of Bible Review
the Bible Review: The Archive CD-ROM by March 15 for $79.95 and
receive a discount of over 10% off the regular price of $89.95.
Order now at
http://www.easycart.net/ecarts/bib-arch/8H50.html or by calling
1-800-221-4644. Mention code E5X2A
when ordering.
I mention
this for the following reason. For several years I wrote a bi-monthly
column in Bible Review called "Greek for Bible Readers." Those of
you who are studying Greek on your own might find these columns helpful.
Monday, February 14
AM Let's not call it
AM Update on Azanou: We
are in the final stages of getting him to Addis Ababa (the capital of
Ethiopia) for an eye assessment in anticipation of his cornea transplant.
(I say "we," but my precious wife Becky has been doing all the work.) God
has graciously provided a family with whom he can stay, and a former
student of mine will be helping Azanou each and every step of the way. We
have three (3!) born-again ophthalmologists working with us in Ethiopia,
whom the Lord so clearly provided. After Azanou's status is determined
(they rate transplant priorities from A to D) he will return to his little
village in Northern Ethiopia to await surgery. Can you imagine - here is a
boy who is blind from birth and who has never been out of his village
before let alone traveled on an airplane or been in a hospital! Last week
we received a letter from him (it took six weeks to arrive) and my dear
wife practically jumped through the ceiling! To see the Lord at work in
this young man's heart - it's almost too much even to speak about! THANK
YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for all your prayers - but don't stop praying

AM The
AM What is it about
bluegrass I like so much? Maybe it's the washtub base my son plays. Maybe
it's the good country folk who put up with us. At any rate, I shore do
look forward to a great time makin' music next Sunday at the nursing home!

AM I thank God for
this school and for
this website.
AM The great Matthew
Henry on
AM I have many dear
cyber-friends whom I've never met but whom I esteem highly as comrades in
arms. Darrell Dow is one of the
choicest. He recently took time out of his busy day to share the following
thoughts with me:
As to your reference to
Deut. 22:5, I wrote about this (I think you may have even posted it) and
said, "The law obviously made reference to
but the meaning is far broader. The intention is to maintain distinctions
between the sexes. As
R. J.
Rushdoony said in
commenting on the text, it 'forbids imposing a man's duties and tools on a
woman, and a woman's on a man. Its purpose is thus to maintain God's
fundamental order.' That fundamental order is hierarchical and, for lack
of a better word, patriarchal, and you shouldn't allow braying theologians
with more degrees than sense tell you otherwise."
As usual,
Darrell beings me back to the fundamentals (although I sometimes wonder
how much of my published work could be characterized as the braying of a
AM Doug Newman, DBO
contributor and editor of
Fountain of Truth (one of my all-time favorite websites), writes:
I enjoyed your comments on Stan Monteith's show the other day.
Gluttons for
punishment can tune in again this evening at 11:00 pm (EST). We'll be
talkin' politics from a distinctly biblical perspective. I like how Doug
puts it:
AM Not to beat a
dead horse...
Scripture clearly places the responsibility for
child rearing on fathers: "And you, fathers, do not provoke your
children to wrath, but bring them
in the training and admonition of the Lord" (Ephesians 6:14). Many
parents feel that they are "doing their job" by seeing their children
off to youth group on Wednesday nights. Most do little or nothing more,
and thus fall far short of what God demands of them as parents. Fathers
are responsible for directly overseeing their children in spiritual
matters a responsibility which cannot be delegated to a youth pastor.
Today we speak well of parents who support church youth activities, but
they ought to have much more than a supporting role.
As a former
youth pastor, I can only say I wish I had learned this lesson earlier than
I did. Much earlier. Men, it's never too late to start. Let me
AM On Saturday I promised
some big news. Well, I am now able to report that my wife and I are
expecting again. A female Sheltie, that is. She was purchased from a
breeder in Greensboro, NC, and we will take delivery in about three weeks.
I imagine this will eventually make our male Sheltie a happy camper indeed.

AM If you live in eastern North
Carolina, plan now to attend the
Bentonville Reenactment
on March 19-20. Unlike most reenactments, this event will take place on
the actual battlefield. You'll find the Black family encamped with the
30th North Carolina Troops (led into battle by our intrepid bugler Nathan
"Stonewall" Black).
AM Another Roman Catholic
blog has hit the waves of cyberspace.
"When we read the Corinthian correspondence,
we tend to think of Paul as writing to one congregation. Most likely
several house churches were established in Corinth. Taking into account
these different communities and their make up can help us to understand
some of the background for the conflicts they experienced." Read more
Corinthian House Church Communities
AM This morning my wife
leaves for Dallas to be with her mom,
who will undergo hip replacement surgery on Tuesday. Your prayers for a
successful operation and a speedy rehabilitation would be appreciated. I
would like to add this saying of Spurgeon: "Prayer is the master-weapon.
We should be greatly wise if we used it more, and did so with a more
specific purpose." God bless all of you, and let me know how I can
intercede on your behalf.
Saturday, February 12
PM If you read Coffee and
a Muffin this morning, I hope you scrolled down far enough to see this
discussion of
I didn't start wearing
dresses exclusively at that point, but I only wore what was marketed to
women. Later on, I became convicted that I should go to dresses because so
many women these days dress the way they do because of the influence
feminism has had on our choices, it rejects God's order of things. We are
often slaves to what is sold in the stores. We must break away from
letting our culture dictate what we wear and how we present ourselves. I
feel a need to be set apart even more. Now I occasionally do wear pants.
But I feel a bit of guilt about it because God has convicted me
about not wearing pants. But honestly, I do not look down on any woman who
does wear pants so long as they are not clingy and seductive. I'm
referring to women within the church, not unbelievers. And the reason it
bothers me if they are clingy and seductive should be obvious. We should
have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness. The only one who we should
be seductive around is our husbands, and then only when alone with them. I
don't want my husband turned on by a Christian sister who shows no
discretion. It's just wrong, wrong, wrong.
The verse
that started it off?
Deuteronomy 22:5
"A woman shall not wear man's clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman's
clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your
thinkest thou?
You see, evangelism
doesn’t take place inside of the church. The church is the body of Christ,
and people there are already evangelized. Evangelism takes place outside
of the church. So, by that description, evangelism is going somewhere, not
staying put. Evangelism is not painting the church, or building a new
building. It is not singing chippy songs that everyone dances to, or a
half comedian, half bible thumping preacher. And it is not the Christian
world gathering together in loose associations on the internet.
Evangelism means going to them. Going to those who don’t know Jesus, going
where they are, and you know this as well as I do; most of them are not in
churches. In fact, in America, no matter how much we decorate our
churches, no matter how lively and fun our “worship” is, it doesn’t draw
people who don’t believe. Most of the newcomers to any church attend for
the first time because they already know someone going to that church
gathering. This is a fact, and it will never change.
Evanhead is turning out to be
one of my favorite sites. He has already spawned a
new blog that has this worthy
My one request that
encompasses all my requests is that God, through Jesus Christ, would draw
me closer to him and that I may learn to continually seek Him.
A warm
welcome to you, Grant, and best wishes.
PM Mark Roberts has
compiled a list of
blogging pastors. One of them has a great
series on the
book of Philippians going.
PM Thanks, Charles.
God's Yellow Pages
- Let your fingers do the walking....
PM Saturday musings from
Rosewood Farm:
Locust trees really do have
huge thorns. Ouch!
Buying new chain saw blades
saves lots of time when cutting down elm trees.
Elm is as difficult to spilt
as is Sweet Gum.
Horses love Reliance 12
So do Boer goats and Jersey
The local gas station
refuses to let us pump our own gas.
It also has real windshield
wiper fluid and not just water.
Country living is LIVING!
Tomorrow, on the Lord's Day, wherever you
may assemble, remember:
You are a member of Christ's
You are a king and priest
unto God!
You are all brethren!
You have a spiritual gift to
Accentuate relationships!
Christianity is a great
"Let love of
the brethren continue...."
AM The "pastor" -
where did he come from?
"War is war,"
she says. "The only crime is
starting a war in the first place. Once it gets started, no one pays any
attention to rules and regulations - it's a question of survival. That's
how war is."
AM I like
this blog.
AM I am currently writing
a review of the reviews of my book
Why I Stopped Listening
to Rush. If you have a thought (kind or untoward) about the
book you'd like me to consider, feel free to "let me have it."
AM Calling all blogsters
who do it in Polish, Korean,
Japanese, Simplified Chinese, or Greek. You can turn your blog into a

AM If you are a youth
pastor, please don't read
this. Again, stay away! Well, don't say I didn't warn you.
AM I plan to report on a
BIG surprise tonight. The excitement is mounting. Hmm, what could
it be? Our doggie Shiloh is all ears!

AM How about a good
cup of coffee and a muffin
this morning?
Friday, February 11
PM Speaking of Bible
Oh Message, how do I loathe thee? Let me
count the ways.
PM This just in:
that your ragged old tractor in the pic? I bet it's leaking fluids all
over Mother Earth! Does the EPA know about this???
I'm surrounded by farms and farmers. When I lived near Atlanta, I was
surrounded by mostly airline workers. What a difference in outlook on life
and attitude! The airline folks say "The world owes me!" The farmers take
life one day at a time and thank the Lord when they have a good year. Or
else look for a better year next
year. I rarely hear any complaining
about anything. They just accept what God gives them. Most of the farms
around here are over a hundred years old and have been in families for
several generations. Most unusual in this country anymore. I've been
blessed by God to be allowed to live here. Very small town,
clean air, no crime, wonderful people. Often I go to have breakfast or
lunch with a friend or two and when we finish, we sit and chat sometimes
for a couple of hours.
they run us off or give us dirty looks? NO! They just keep on filling our
coffee cups and smiling at us. Would that happen in Atlanta? HAH! In your
dreams! Thank you Lord for Michigan!
All I can
say is: Amen and Amen!
PM The struggle described
in Romans 7 is, in my opinion, one all Christians face. Here's an
interesting take on this highly debated text (warning: be prepared to take an
in-depth look at Paul's Adam/Christ contrast in Romans 5-8):
Christian Grappe,
"Qui me délivrera de ce corps de mort? L'Esprit de vie! Romains 7,24 et
8,2 comme éléments de typologie adamique,"
, Biblica 83(2002) 472-492.
PM Greek students:
Care to join the
blogosphere? (Why should we have all the fun?)
Learn to blog, blog to learn.
Blog stands for Web-log,
an informal personal Website. Thousands of people blog every day. (Blog
is both a noun and a verb.) I’ve blogged for 18 months, and I’m
convinced that blogs are destined to become a powerful, dirt-cheap tool
for e-learning and knowledge management.
A blog is defined as a
Website with dated entries, usually by a single author, often
accompanied by links to other blogs that the site’s editor visits on a
regular basis. Think of a blog as one person’s public diary or
suggestion list. Early blogs were started by Web enthusiasts who would
post links to cool stuff that they found on the Internet. They added
commentary. They began posting daily. They read one another’s blogs. A
community culture took hold.
In 1999, blogging
software arrived on the scene, enabling anyone to post content to a
Website. Generally, blog software comes with a personal Website for
those who don’t already have one. The software captures your words in
dated entries, maintaining a chronological archive of prior entries. In
the spirit of sharing inherent to Net culture, the software and the
personal Websites are usually free. Currently, blogging is one of the
fastest growing trends on the Web. Nearly half a million people have
downloaded blogging software.
PM "God" or "a god" in
John 1:1?
Here are some more Greek and Latin
educational links.
Η μελέτη των γλωσσών είναι διασκέδαση!
PM I recently posted on
the sin of Gnosticism. Read about its seeping entry into Christianity -
then and now.
PM Now here's a question
you ought to ponder:
Is biblical betrothal
How did Christ betroth
Himself to His bride? Notice that it perfectly parallels the biblical
betrothal model found in our relevant passages above. First, the Heavenly
Father and Son together chose the bride (Eph. 1:4; Jn. 15:16). The Son was
then sent to seek His bride (Lk. 19:10). During this time He was in
continuous communication with and submission to His Father (Jn. 5:30). At
the time of betrothal, Christ paid the greatest bride price in history,
His own precious blood (1 Pet. 1:18-19). The bride (the church) has the
choice to accept or reject the groom's offer of marriage (Jn. 3:36).
During betrothal the groom (Christ) is demonstrating His love for us
through words, acts and gifts, and we grow to know and love Him more and
more each day (Eph. 3:17-19). Christ's love for His betrothed is a secure,
permanent relationship, unlike dating around (Heb. 13:5; Rom. 8:37-39).
During betrothal we cannot touch Him, but after He comes for us in
marriage, we will (Jn. 14:2-3). After our processional to heaven, our
marriage to Christ will be celebrated with a great wedding feast (Rev.
PM No, Virginia, the
is not a dinosaur in today's cybernetic world.
I am fascinated by an
Internet that is resurrecting whole generations of old books that until
just five years ago were doomed to dusty graves in musty old bookstores
and private libraries. It's not just the "classics" that are being
revived, though, but the writings of godly, evangelical men and women
whose voices have not been heard for a century or more. They are part of
the "cloud of witnesses" of Hebrews 12 who encourage us, but who have been
pushed to the back of the cloud. But we need their voices.
have had the honor of teaching in several seminaries in South Korea and
have been impressed by the emphasis on the five solas of the Reformation
in many of the churches I preached in there. I rejoice that more and more
Christian parents are considering homeschooling as a viable alternative to
the state-run institutions in Korea. Let's stay
informed about the homeschooling movement in that country and
pray for its health and growth.
At the turn of the last century, close to
half of all Americans lived in rural areas. Over the last 100 years, the
number of farmers has dropped so low that by 1993 the U.S. Census Bureau
stopped counting the number of people living on farms. Well, I for one
wouldn't change our
agrarian lifestyle for the world. Interview being ended, it's time to
go outdoors and get active. Talk at yall later!

AM Just had a delightful
hour-long interview with Dr. Stan Monteith on
Radio Liberty. The conversation
and questions seemed to center on the need for a new Barmen Declaration in
view of the sin of statism and the heresy of nationalism so prevalent in
America today. Stan is a most delightful interviewer, and if you would
like to hear our next conversation please check my
This makes "Name it and claim it" look like child's play.
AM I just added to my
schedule a three-part series on the church I will be presenting at the
Raleigh Chinese Christian Church in Cary on April 3, 17, and 24.
AM In the ISV we made it
a point to attempt to translate the Greek tenses as accurately as
possible, even when we had to part company with the majority of English
versions. An example is Hebrews 6:1, where the traditional "let us press
on to maturity" is rendered "let
us continue to be carried along to maturity" to reflect both the
lexical idea behind the verb phero ("carry," "bear") and the
author's use of the passive voice and present tense. So it is always a
delight for me to find pastor-teachers who dig deep enough into the text
to check the Greek before preaching. Here's a good example from a
sermon on
Hebrews 6 by Phil Newton of South Woods Baptist Church in Memphis.
AM Ray Rhodes says:
Don't Dog Me About Dogma!
I like William Gouge's use of the word
"seminary" in the following quote:
The family is a seminary of
the Church and Commonwealth. A family is a little Church and a little
AM I love following the
discussions about the Republican Party over at God, Family, Republic, and
Scott Whiteman's latest
essay on the current brouhaha at the Georgia State House makes for
some interesting reading, mainly because I am a
one-issue voter.
AM I received a nice
email yesterday from Mrs. Julie Austin of
Austin's Parenting with
Purpose. Julie has a site that delights the eye, challenges the mind,
and warms the heart. You'll also find a touch of
humor there. If you need an entrée into her insightful musings, I
would start here:
Homeschooling to the Glory of God!
Julie, for all you are doing to encourage and promote biblical parenting
and homeschooling.
Thursday, February 10
AM Lest we forget, in
this heady day of
and the democratization of the
We are living in the days of
Barmen Declaration.
The state does not have the
right to define what it means to be a Christian.
The religious community
precedes, and takes precedence over, the political community in its act of
The identification of
Christianity with American nationalism is a heresy and idolatry.
God is the Savior of
individuals, but He is also the Sovereign Lord of the Universe.
Christians must permeate society with the truth of
the Gospel and proclaim with the Barmen Declaration, as did
Bonhoeffer, "We
reject the false doctrine, as though there were areas of our life in which
we would not belong to Jesus Christ, but to other lords – areas in which
we would not need justification and sanctification through him."
AM Here are some of our
hospitality strategies. What are some of yours?
Inviting our neighbors to
our home.
Sharing food with others.
Paying attention to people
when they visit (i.e., stopping what we are doing and shutting off such
distractions as the radio).
Asking about a person’s
preferences, allergies, etc. when a meal is involved.
Greeting people warmly.
Entertaining students.
Regularly visiting shut-ins
and the sick.
Opening our farm to
individuals and families for retreats.
Providing privacy as best we
Involving guests in regular
family activities if they desire to participate.
AM Three responses
to our thoughts on
the Lord's Day.
The Lord's Day. Excellent column. I
remember when I was a child,
if we didn't get what we needed by sundown on Saturday, we didn't get it
until Monday morning. Sunday was for worship and rest. I'm sure you will
be accused of legalism for claiming a Christian "Sabbath." But I believe
the Lord meant for even Christians to have a day of rest and worship. "The
Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath." Mark 2:27
The things the Lord allows you to put on
your blog, always challenge me. I grew up in a family that did not
celebrate Christmas. Reading your blog and the link to fossilized customs
brought back much of this discussion. When does a "custom" get so
separated from it's origin that we as Christians aren't breaking God's
commands by participating in the customs? For example, I've read that
historically forks were designed after Satan's forks and when they were
first introduced in Italy, the preachers of the day preached against them.
In fact, the story goes that a lady of a town in Italy was telling
everyone she was having a party and was so excited that she was going to
use forks. She died three days latter and the preachers in the town said
it was because she used forks.
Now, would we think of not using forks because of their pagan origin?
Would we stop celebrating birthdays because of their pagan origin? I have
Christian friends that do not celebrate birthdays. Christmas and Easter
bring up the same situations. I think Christmas is a little easier because
it has once again fallen into so great a pagan idolatry. Taking Dominion
of our culture, we could bring back some of the celebrations like
Reformation Day and possibly St. Patrick's day. Even Thanksgiving is
probably a good one.
I just finishing reading your article on
the Lord's Day; I certainly felt some conviction, so I have repented of my
plans to do my income taxes this Sunday. The federal government won't mind
holding on to my tax overpayment a little longer, even though the money
has surely been spent already to finance "the force of human freedom."
My thanks to all who have taken the
time to write.
Wednesday, February 9
PM It doesn't matter how
much people focus on getting our youth to pledge their purity as long as
we refuse to deal with the more fundamental problems in our "evangelical"
youth culture. I think Kristen at
Walking Circumspectly
would agree:
Most of the kids who signed
pledges to wait until marriage to have
"True Love Waits, a program sponsored by the Southern Baptist Convention,
is one of the most famous evangelical efforts to reduce premarital sexual
activity among our youth. Since 1993, about 2.4 million young people have
signed a pledge to wait until marriage to engage in sexual intercourse.
Are these young evangelicals keeping their pledges? In March 2004,
researchers from Columbia University and Yale University reported on their
findings. For seven years they studied 12 thousand teenagers who took the
pledge. Sadly, they found that 88 percent of these pledgers reported
having sexual intercourse before marriage;
just 12
percent kept their promise.
The researchers also found that the rates for having sexually transmitted
diseases 'were almost identical for the teenagers who took pledges and
those who did not.'"
I know how these "crusades," or whatever you want to call them, go. They
attract youth groups to arenas for a one-night conference. A few speakers,
a 'cool' band, and then the pledge cards come out. Kids who either feel
like they'll be looked down upon if they don't sign or who have been
emotionally piqued sign the card (and, of course, the 12 percent who kept
their word). All of them are now counted in the ministry's numbers as a
success. I am simply uncomfortable with that 'crusade' kind of ministry--I
prefer one-on-one discipleship. I distrust glitz, crowds, and things that
end quickly. I guess I have been burned.
I grieve for teenagers in this country, kids whose parents think they can
raise them in the world and then drop them off at a convention for a night
to learn not to have sex before marriage. I know I am totally
oversimplifying, but there is a sense in which many youth groups as they
exist today, and many parachurch ministries for teens--all of it is in
some sense absurd, appealing to the flesh, or flitting down for the
spiritual equivalent of a one-night stand. Kids need and deserve so
much more.
I pray for more good soil for the sower. I pray against the schemes of the
enemy to drown children (schools and media are such cesspools). I pray
that people will see that what we need to do is FOLLOW JESUS and teach
others to do the same.
PM Here's a
with some rather startling information - not the least of which is the
fact that it's not the gimmicks we use to draw people to church that
brings them in. It's - are you ready? - the doctrine, the teaching, the
teachers, and the body life. Sounds an awful lot like Acts 2, and well it
should. I thank God for our modern J. Gresham Machens like Phil Newton and
Thom Rainer.
According to Scripture, it
doesn’t take a 40 day formula for those who truly desire to see revival.
If we simply and faithfully preach the gospel, fervently pray, and submit
ourselves humbly and obediently to the leading of the Spirit, then the
power of God will be manifest in His own time, just as the apostles
discovered as they gathered in the upper room at Pentecost. Despite the
recent hype, we need to remember that revival isn’t purpose-driven, it’s
PM Several websites and
writers have decried the anti-religious bigotry on the left, but the New
Evangelicalism also misses the mark in so many ways it's difficult to
count them all. But
this has got to be the most inane essay on evangelicalism ever
PM I just finished
reading a few of my previous essays on church traditions, including
Christmas. I quake at the evangelical church in America today for our
inertia. Interestingly, a reader sent me these thoughts today:
... I have
learned that Christmas is just the
tip of the
iceberg as far as the pagan and unbiblical
into the assemblies of the believers.
The same
reader also noted that he enjoyed my drawing of Henry Kissinger, which
shows him scratching his nose - a sure sign (according to this reader) of
lying. I'd be interested
in getting an expert's opinion on that one.

PM Our chapels yesterday
and today featured Dr. Al Mohler of Southern Seminary. The thread
throughout was God's grace and God's glory in marriage. His messages were
excellent and can be heard by going to our seminary website:
PM Wednesday afternoon
shout-out to Tyler for winning the (Greek) spelling bee today in
Intermediate Greek class. Thanks to all who participated. And to everyone
in the class: keep up the great work you are doing. Things will get a lot
easier as the language becomes more and more intuitive. In Advanced Greek
Grammar we worked through a section of the book of Esther in the
Septuagint, and the sight reading went extremely well. The diction of a
book like Esther is so similar to a New Testament writing like Mark that
students can quickly see how the Greek New Testament and the Greek Old
Testament are written in the same language - Hellenistic Greek. In the
end, by studying the Greek of the New Testament we will be better able to
understand the Old Testament as well as the church fathers who wrote in
Greek (Origin, Clement of Alexandria, etc.). We have also been working on
translating from English into Greek, and I want to thank all those who are
memorizing (or reviewing) their vocabulary both ways - Greek to English
and English to Greek. Remember, the key to being able to accurately
interpret the New Testament is the ability to think to a degree in the
language (not just slavishly translate the text word for word, although
that's a good start). I applaud your efforts, and look forward to digging
even deeper as the semester progresses.
AM When the kings depart,
democracies arise.
O really?
teacher told me that was stupid, that was a waste of time. I said, 'I
could go out and be getting drunk like everybody else, or I could sit at
home and not make a difference in anyone else’s life. Is that what I’m
supposed to do?'"
Rachel was discovering that
espousing strong religious convictions – even in a public school located
in the Bible Belt – could make everyday life more complicated. She came to
the difficult conclusion that while she cherished the history she had
forged with the Broken Arrow schools, she longed to be in a school where
her teachers would freely pray with her and where chapel services were the
norm. For her that place was Victory Christian School.
Read the
latest from
Dr. Lyman.
AM Our little Baptist
congregation in Basel, Switzerland was considered a sect by most Swiss.
Ditto for
AM If it works for
hamburgers.... (By the way, note the interview with Steve Atkerson,
head of the New Testament Restoration Foundation and editor of
AM Woman has twins -
months apart.
Monday I ran across an interesting document. I wrote on my blog:
Believe it or not,
David Black signed
this document.
I received
this letter in response:
If I understood your blog correctly, you signed the esa letter to
President Bush. Can I ask why?
My response was:
David, please read the actual signatures.
wrote back:
Mea culpa. I didn't
look closely enough. It would have seemed so incredibly "out of
character" for you to endorse socialism. In fact it would have ruined
my day to find out that my favorite website (yours) was not what it
Dave, God bless you and
your ministry.
I guess one can be too subtle.
AM It is a joy to see
more and more families and homeschoolers studying Greek together. A letter
I received this morning warmed my heart:
Dear Dr. Black,
Thank you very much for the tape and workbook for your Greek textbook. It
has been difficult learning Greek, but something all Christians should
strive to do to better hear God's Word. Thank you.
Eric E.
By the way, my wife (and I) have enjoyed your articles on your website.
AM Will an ailing Pope
Can he?
AM I call for the radical
simplicity of church facilities, for there is nothing more conducive to
family worship than meeting as families do in their living rooms.
AM It's not the number of
people under my influence that counts, but the quality of my influence.
AM The sum of the matter:
Serve God with all your
Have no other ambition than
to be faithful.
"As to the Lord, not to
Keep not back; make a full
surrender daily.
Cry out for more of the
Spirit's influence.
Let your life run deep and
You are nobody's soldier
except the Crucified's.
"Jesus Only" is our
only motto.
Not I, but Christ.
Tuesday, February 8
PM The web is a wonderful
I just read your
Scripture-Driven Church
article, and wanted to say: “Amen!”
Without getting too
detailed, the Lord led my family and I along with another couple in our
church to the realization that the church we were “elders” in was
institutionalized and professionalized to the extent that no matter what
we said, we were stymied. We asked “How did the church meet? What saith
the scripture?” But we were met with “I don’t think we want to use the
scripture to evaluate everything.”
For the last two months we
have been meeting in our homes. We’ve been throwing off the chains of
the institutionalized/romish church. We just concluded a study on the
Lord’s Supper, and have put away the Dixie cups and crackers for a full
meal, which includes bread and wine/juice, just like the feast the early
church enjoyed!
Our fellowship is so
wonderful, that when our friends told us Sunday they would be at the
bedside of a dying relative in Texas, and would not be able to be with
us this coming Sunday, we nearly wept! That sweet time of fellowship in
the Lord, with ardent study, is so precious to us.
Another wonderful work of
God is happening. Since we began, the Lord has brought people to us. We
have now had an evening meal with three families, and expect a fourth
next week. Each one has expressed a desire to find a “true” church where
God’s Word is honored, and people are in real, heart-level fellowship.
We don’t know whether they will join us, but we do know that the Lord
will add to His church!
Praise God for the hearts
of His elect turning to the Lord Jesus Christ as the only Head of His
Church, and the Bridegroom of his beloved bride!
God bless you,
AM I had an interesting
discussion this weekend with a Roman Catholic about sola scriptura.
Read a debate on this issue
here. A teaser:
At the beginning of the
debate I laid out what I had to do. I had to demonstrate that the Bible
is a rule of faith, that it teaches it's sufficient to function as the
sole rule of faith, and that it in fact teaches that it does function in
that way, and I did those three things. So what was Mr. Madrid's
response? Well, he's gone off after every other topic there is to go
after. Canon issues, . . . and "Well how do you know that" type of
situations. And well wait a minute, let's go back to what the Scripture
said. And the Scripture says, the Scriptures are sufficient for the man
of God for doing the works of God.
AM Check out these Bible
study books in pdf. format.
AM Thought for the day:
Theology, not morality, is the first business on the church's agenda of
reform, and the church, not society, is the first target of divine
Michael Scott Horton, Beyond Culture Wars
AM I once heard it said
that there are no boring preachers. If he's boring, he's not a preacher. I
agree wholeheartedly with that statement. Spurgeon once said, "Dull
preachers make good martyrs. They are so dry they burn well." He added,
"Christ Jesus was an attractive preacher; He sought above all means to set
the pearl in a frame of gold, that it might attract the attention of the
people.... It was no dull work to hear the King of preachers; He was too
much in earnest to be dull, and too humane to be incomprehensible." My
wife likens a good sermon to preparing a well-conceived meal: a wise
householder will labor to give each one of the family a well-balanced
dinner served in an attractive way.
Let's make the message
Let's keep the message
Give Christ the preeminence!
Aim at the heart!
Keep the hearer under fire
at all times!
Monday, February 7
PM Before construction of
our horse barn begins, I must spend some time at
this website.

PM Believe it or not,
David Black signed
this document.
PM This topic is much on
my heart these days:
Suffer the Little Children.

PM Today my terrific son
began restoring a two-storey ante-bellum home about a mile from our farm.
I can't think of anything he'd rather be doing. He's starting out by
repairing and painting the tin roof. Yes, dad helped him, mostly by
staying out of his way. We patched holes and drilled roofing screws and
otherwise got everything prepared for painting. The next step is for my
son to rewire and plumb the structure and finish the interior with new
moldings, wainscoting, etc. This is where his abilities will really shine.
I am so glad he has this wonderful talent, which he surely didn't get from
a dad who has a difficult time changing light bulbs.
Speaking of
The TV is my shepherd, I
shall not want anything else. It maketh me to lie down on the sofa. It
leadeth me away from the Scripture. It destroys my
It leadeth me in the paths of sex and violence for the sponsor’s sake.
Yea, though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death, I will enjoy the evil, for
blood and sex they excite me. It’s cable and remote they comfort me. It
prepares a commercial before me in the presence of my children. It anoints
my head with humanism, My coveting runneth over.
Surely laziness and
ignorance shall follow my family all the days of our lives, and we shall
dwell in the house watching TV forever.
AM You are spot on,
Mr. Black!
One thing I have learned from the Super Bowl,
however, is how valuable my time is. This year the Super Bowl values 30
seconds of my time at
That amount makes me pause and wonder how valuable my time is to God. By
Super Bowl standards, my time is worth $4.8 million per minute, $288
million per hour, $6.912 billion per day, over $2.5 trillion per year. The
time I spend with God is even more pricey, especially considering that the
blood of Jesus, shed for my sins, is the only payment that makes my time
with God possible.
AM What is a
Reformed Baptist?
apostle Paul once said, “Neither count I my life dear unto myself” (Acts
Life is dear in God’s sight. But Paul
counted not his life dear unto himself.
Life is God’s gift to us, and we must give
account of the way we live it. When we count it as His and not ours, “we
lose what we cannot keep to gain what we cannot lose.”
man who uttered these words, Jim Elliot, was martyred in the jungles of
Ecuador. People looked upon his mangled body, but his soul had gone home
through gates of splendor. He counted not his life dear unto himself.
That is God’s way. That is the Christian
I agree with
Constitution of the United States is not a statement of principles or a
mere expression of lofty ideals or political philosophy. It is
black-letter law. Its provisions are fully operative, like any federal
statute. Every action of the federal government must legally conform to
constitutional rules. Every member of Congress swears to uphold the
Constitution; meaning he or she swears to uphold the law.
Yet members of Congress rarely follow the Constitution. In fact, members
of Congress routinely ignore or blatantly violate its strictures. As a
result, most federal laws have no constitutional authority. In other
words, most so-called federal laws are unconstitutional and, therefore,
illegal. Respect for the constitutional rule of law must be restored.
My wife and I are requesting prayer for a
boy named Azanou whom we met in rural Ethiopia last November. He is blind
in one eye and needs a cornea transplant in the other or he will go
completely blind. We are arranging for him to have that surgery.
Meanwhile, a doctor friend of ours who is also a believer will be
contacting Azanou about the surgery and will also be sharing with him the
love of Jesus. Please pray that young Azanou might receive spiritual sight
by accepting the Gospel.
AM Please read this
letter from Ray Moore of Frontline Ministries and then prayerfully
consider writing to the German Embassy:
Seldom do we ask you to exert an effort to contact
governmental officials. This is a very important situation that has
exercised the entire American home school community and also some home
schoolers in other countries as well. We have had some contact with the
leadership of the young home school community in Germany and they had
requested prayers and support from us before this situation had come to
emergency proportions. We ask you to read the reports below, pray for
these families and take the appropriate actions requested. First read 1
Peter 5: 8-10 and pray. Please take action this week if you intend to
help. We would be grateful if you could circulate this memo to your
network too. Thanks and Blessings.
In His grip,
E. Ray Moore, Jr.
Chaplain (Lt.Col.) USAR ret
PO Box 12072
Columbia, SC 29211
Tele (803) 714-1744
HSLDA brought this horrendous situation to the attention of the homeschool
public first.
Requested Action
In order to help these seven
homeschool families in Germany, we urge you to call or write to the German
Embassy immediately and give them the following message: "The seven
homeschool families in Paderborn County should not be forced to return
their children to public school. A parent's right to direct the education
of his children is a fundamental right that should be protected. We
request that you urge Heinz Kohler and the county school board to drop the
pending fines against the families."
Your decision to contact the German embassy may
determine the success or failure of the German homeschool movement.
Wolfgang Ischinger
German Embassy
4645 Reservoir Road NW
Washington, DC, 20007-1998
tele (202) 298-4000
The German embassy can be e-mailed from its website:
AM Copies of Bruce
Shortt's new book The Harsh Truth About Public Schools can be
ordered at
http://www.chalcedonstore.com/ . For bulk purchases, contact chorders@goldrush.com
or call (209) 736-4365.
AM Monday morning
shout-out to all our friends in Rocky Mount, Virginia, whose company we
enjoyed over the weekend. The wedding was fantastic, and we thoroughly
enjoyed worshipping in the "barn" on Sunday (including a fellowship meal
and the Lord's Supper). God is doing a good work among you both to will
and to work His good pleasure, and we were privileged to be witnesses of
His handiwork for a few days. Blessings on all of you.
Friday, February 4
AM Acts 2:41-42 contains,
in germ form, a wonderful definition of the church. Do you see it? Belief,
baptism, being added to other believers, the apostles' doctrine,
fellowship, the breaking of bread, prayers. We might say, then, that the
church is a group of baptized believers who meet regularly for Bible study
and fellowship, sharing in the Lord's Supper and mutual prayers. I note
that the Lord's Supper was a prime manifestation of the church's unity as
believers shared together in that symbolic testimony to the basis of their
faith - the life and death of Jesus Christ. How wonderful this banquet
that foreshadowed the Marriage Supper of the Lamb!
Many of you
already have a fellowship meal on Sunday. But is there not still
something missing?
The meal is potluck, or as
we like to say, "pot-providence." Everyone brings something to share
with everyone else. When the weather is nice, all the food is placed on
a long folding table out in the carport. A smaller card table at one end
of the long table contains drinks, cups, forks, napkins, etc. A chest
full of ice sits on the floor beside the card table. Kids run wildly
around having so much fun that they must be collared by parents and
forced to eat something. After a prayer of thanksgiving is offered,
people line up, talking and laughing, to serve their plates. In the
middle of all the food sits a single loaf of bread next to a large
plastic jug containing the fruit of the vine. Each believer partakes of
the bread and juice while going through the serving line. The smaller
kids are encouraged to occupy one of the few places at a table to eat.
(They sure can be messy!) Chairs for adults (there are not enough for
everyone) are clustered in circles, mainly occupied by the womenfolk,
who eat while discussing home schooling, child training, sewing, an
upcoming church social, the new church we hope to start, etc. Most of
the men stand to eat, balancing their plates on top of their cups,
grouped into small clusters and solving the world’s problems or
pondering some hot topic of theology. The atmosphere is not unlike that
of a wedding banquet. It is a great time of fellowship, encouragement,
edification, friendship, caring, catching-up, getting to know, praying
with, exhorting, and maturing. The reason for the event? In case you did
not recognize it, this is the Lord’s Supper, New Testament style!
AM Charles Haddon
Spurgeon on
Give us the first seven
years of a child, with God's grace, and we may defy the world, the flesh,
and the devil to ruin that immortal soul. Those first years, while yet the
clay is soft and plastic, go far to decide the form of the vessel. Do not
say that your office, you who teach the young, is in the least degree
inferior to ours, whose main business is with older folks, No, you have
the first of them, and your impressions, as they come first, will endure
last; oh, that they may be good, and only good!
AM Quote of the day (John
A woman has got to go back
to that place of that beautiful submission she knew before the "fall," and
a man has got to go back to the place where his commitment is simply, in
love, to take that woman as if she were one with him, and render to her
every single thing that he would do for himself.
AM A lesson from a
Titus 2 woman.
AM Friday morning
shout-out to Jeremy and Sarah who will be wedded this Saturday in Rocky
Mount, Virginia. This one's
for you,
Wednesday, February
AM QOTD (John Owen):
To suppose that whatever God requireth of us that we have
of ourselves to do, is to make the cross and grace of Jesus Christ of none
AM Dr. Lyman has the
skinny on the ol'
argument for g-school:
A hapless blogger, with a
bent for theology, titles an entry
"Death to Homeschooling."
Then he announces he is thinking of sending his precious little child to a
Writes Tony Jones: "But it seems to me that if we are truly committed to
living a missional life, then we must enroll our kids in the public
school. That is, we are committed to living lives fully invested in what I
might call the 'Jesus Ethic' or the 'Kingdom of God Ethic,' and also fully
invested in the society -- in fact, you might say that we live according
to the Kingdom of God for the sake of society."
Mr. Fully-Invested-in-the-Society, allow me to quote the venerable Dr.
Patricia Lines, homeschool reseacher. She has stated, "The hard evidence
suggests that the vast majority of homeschooling families are more active
in civic affairs than public school families." And, many of these families
also happen to be into the Jesus Ethic, Mr. For-the-Sake-of-Society.
IOW, the more government-dependent you are,
the more government-dependent you will be.
As you read
Time Magazine’s latest
list, please keep in mind:
God takes no orders from us.
He is not the flunky of religious top
A man loves himself properly only when he
sees himself as God sees him, a lost sinner. There are broken cisterns
aplenty, but only one fountain of living water.
Fifty-fifty Christians are a great asset
to the devil.
God prefers a dedicated 300 patterned
after Christ to Gideon’s 32,000.
Our Lord was always careful to stress the
cost of discipleship.
There is only one Great I AM.
If we love the world the love of the
Father is not in us.
Our Lord never offered bargains; He never
marked His prices down.
The church is not an incubator for
hatching saints; saints must first be born by the Spirit of God.
God is not only our Rewarder; He is our
Tuesday, February 1
Our forbears chose to preserve the
scriptural ideal of liberty.
We have fallen away from the ideal of the founding generation. But the movement back to limited
constitutional government is accelerating in many quarters of the nation.
The culture wars are intensifying between them and the ruling liberal
elite. What can you do?
Build coalitions of commonsense conservatives.
Resist the liberal media.
Build alternative means of communication via the Internet.
Encourage trends toward political sanity that are already in place.
Be the patriots of today,
every bit as much defenders of the Constitution as were your
forefathers, and they refused to be defeated!
In his essay,
“The Modern Threats to Religious Freedom: They Are Greater than One May
Think,” William Anderson exposes the dangers awaiting America:
On the surface, it would
seem that Christianity has never been stronger or more influential in this
country. Not only are the president, attorney general, and other cabinet
members and advisors open about their Christianity, but Christian books
are on the best-seller lists and Christian popular music dominates the
radio airwaves. However, for a long time, I have been intensely looking at
the current scene and have concluded that (1) the political authorities
have squarely targeted Christians and Christianity for harassment and are
freely carrying out their agendas at the present time, (2) the historical
legal protections in this country for Christianity have been eroded past
the point of no return, (3) most Christians are clueless in understanding
this situation, and (4) when Christians do happen to recognize dangers to
practicing their faith, they tend to endorse legislative and political
actions that in the long run will make things even worse for themselves
and those Christians who will follow after them.
Here is
one pastor who
is quite aware of what is going on.
AM The latest in
Orwellian Doubletalk:
Pain-Capable Unborn Child
This is a
shameful use of the language I love.
AM N. T. Wright is
still wrong.
AM Anything Ivan Eland
writes is worth perusing, but this report on "The
Way Out of Iraq" is indispensable reading.
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