Abortion and the Judicial Imperium
Darrell Dow
The goal of any humanistic ruling class is to destroy
all competing centers of legitimate authority. The social, political, and
cultural elites that manipulate the political and cultural apparatus for
their own enrichment and amusement have long seen fit to attack “renegade”
sub-national political structures and whip them into line.
In the U.S., for well over a century, the judiciary has been the primary
mechanism used to foster dynamic social revolution. Despite its alleged
conservatism, an activist Supreme Court has been the primary instrument
implementing and institutionalizing the Sexual Revolution in American
life. This is particularly true with regard to contraception and abortion.
The genius of the original American Republic was the disbursement of power
between branches of government and, more importantly, a system of dual
sovereignty whereby the states were granted ultimate authority, ceding
only certain clearly defined powers to the national government.
Naturally this system was under attack from the beginning. The Supreme
Court established “judicial review” with the Marbury decision and
wide-ranging questions as diverse as tariffs, internal improvements, and
slavery ultimately led to the penultimate battle between nationalists (the
Union) and supporters of states’ rights, represented by the Confederate
States of America.
As the Civil War is not the subject of this essay, I
won’t rehash the duplicity of Abraham Lincoln, suffice to say that the War
Between the States represented the end of constitutional government
envisioned by our Founders. Just as importantly, it represented the
definitive victory of a New England commercial elite and put into place
the machinery that would be used to further undermine the Constitution,
and ultimately the family.
Aside from the 13th Amendment, which freed slaves from their bondage, the
most significant constitutional change springing from the Civil War was
the 14th Amendment, which has supplied the ammunition for a legal
revolution. Originally designed to introduce procedural due process into
state proceedings, the amendment says: “No State shall make or enforce any
law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or
property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its
jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
On its face, the language of the due process clause of the 14th Amendment
says that a state must use sufficiently fair and legal processes when
taking the life, liberty, or property of a citizen. As such, it extends
5th Amendment due process provisions to the various states. This
intervention of the federal government into the affairs of the various
states was problematic, and to a certain extent revolutionary. But much
more was to come.
Through a series of decisions over several decades, the Supreme Court used
the 14th Amendment to introduce “substantive due process” into the mix.
Substantive due process, essentially, is the theory that the due process
clauses of the 5th and 14th Amendments insure not only proper procedural
safeguards, but that a person’s life, liberty and property may not be
taken without sufficient justification as well.
This line of reasoning dramatically broadened the authority of the federal
courts by exponentially expanding the power of federal judicial review of
state laws. The Constitution was originally written to limit the powers of
the central government and only a handful of restrictions were placed on
states (Article 1, Section 10 and Article 6). However, through the
creation of substantive rights, federal courts seized the power to
overturn state laws in two ways. First, the Court invented the
“Incorporation Doctrine,” whereby selected provisions of the Bill of
Rights were applied to states under due process provisions. Secondly, the
Court created the “Fundamental Rights” theory, whereby the Court would
adopt whatever substantive rights it believed must be protected without
any reliance on written provisions of the Constitution. The Court
typically roots fundamental rights in the word “liberty” in the first
clause of the 14th Amendment.
In short, the Court simply expropriated the authority to create law on a
whim, and in the process overturn duly elected state officials and public
sentiment without even citing constitutional authority to do so.
In a series of cases, the Court used the substantive due process doctrine
to create a right to privacy and ultimately manipulated the “liberty”
provision of the 14th Amendment to justify virtually unfettered access to
abortion at any point during pregnancy. In the process of establishing the
abortion regime, the Court ignored the “will of the people” as expressed
through their representatives.
For instance, in 1910 forty-five states had anti-abortion provisions on
the books and in Kentucky, the judiciary had acted to make abortion
illegal, yet by 1973 the Court had enshrined legalized abortion as the de
facto law of the land. How did this happen?
The sexual revolutionaries, led by Planned Parenthood, first focused on
laws limiting the distribution and use of contraceptive devices. In 1965,
the Court struck down a Connecticut statute (in Griswold v. Connecticut)
that criminalized the use of drugs or devices to prevent conception. The
7-2 decision, authored by William O. Douglas, introduced the “penumbra”
concept, which says that certain fundamental rights exist and must be
enforced against federal and state authorities in spite of not being
written directly into the Constitution. These supposed rights are found in
the “gaps” of the enumerated rights.
For example, in the Griswold decision, Douglas found a marital privacy
right that allegedly stretches across the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 9th
Amendments even though it is not explicitly mentioned in the text. Other
concurring justices found the justification for privacy in the 14th
Amendment (Harlan and White) and the 9th Amendment (Goldberg). Justices
Black and Stewart dissented from the majority opinion, arguing that a
right cannot be a “constitutional right” if it is not found in the
Constitution. Such obvious logic escaped the seven justices in the
majority. Black and Stewart argued, in effect, that just because a law is
stupid or ill conceived does not mean it is necessarily unconstitutional.
The Court struck again in Eisenstadt v. Baird, invalidating a
Massachusetts law making it a crime to distribute contraceptives, unless
you were a doctor or pharmacist prescribing them for a married couple. In
Eisenstadt the Court went beyond the marital privacy right established in
Griswold by holding that privacy is inherently an individual right. In
writing for the majority, Justice Brennan said, “If the right of privacy
means anything, it is the right of the individual, married or single, to
be free from unwarranted government intrusion into matters so
fundamentally affecting a person as the decision of whether to bear or
beget a child.” Therefore, the Massachusetts law was struck down on equal
protection grounds because, in the opinion of the Court’s majority, it
discriminated against single people. The judicial attack on marriage as a
covenant was underway.
The leap from Eisenstadt to Roe was a short one indeed. The 7-2 decision
in Roe v Wade invalidated abortion laws across the country by voiding a
Texas statute that prohibited abortion, except to save the life of the
mother. The majority opinion, written by Harry Blackmun, held that
abortion is a fundamental constitutional right and falls within the wide
net of “privacy” cast over the side of the boat by Justices Douglas and
Brennan in earlier decisions.
Blackmun did concede that the state has an interest in protecting fetal
life after the second trimester, but he further undermined that holding
with his opinion in the companion case of Doe v. Bolton. Writing there,
the Blackmun majority held that a woman may procure an abortion after six
months if a doctor determines that in light of “emotional, psychological,
[and] familial” circumstances it is necessary for her “physical or mental
health” to have an abortion. The “health of the mother” exception was
written so broadly in Doe that a woman could literally receive a letter
from her podiatrist pleading “medical necessity” and bypass state
restrictions on abortion.
Furthermore, by insisting that abortion was a “fundamental” right, the Roe
majority insured that state regulation must meet the legal standard of
“strict scrutiny,” meaning that there must be a “compelling state
interest” in restricting access to abortion. In layman’s terms, the legal
standard established in Roe made it difficult for any legislation
restricting abortion to pass constitutional muster. And with the decision
in Doe, the Court created a gaping loophole making it virtually impossible
to legislate against abortion.
Since Roe in 1973, abortion law has changed somewhat. A small number of
limited restrictions have been placed on abortion, but the “right to
choose” is as entrenched as ever in public policy despite public
uneasiness with abortion on demand.
The Casey decision in 1992 upheld the central holding of Roe while using a
different legal justification. The right to privacy was discarded while
substantive due process and the “liberty” clause of the 14th Amendment
were once again invoked to overturn state law, in this case several
Pennsylvania restrictions on abortion. Two quotes from Sandra Day
O’Connor’s majority opinion will sufficiently demonstrate the mindset of
the Rehnquist Court:
The Roe rule’s limitation
of state power could not be repudiated without serious inequity to people
who, for two decades of economic and social developments, have organized
intimate relationships and made choices that define their views of
themselves and their places in society, in reliance on the availability of
abortion in the event that contraception should fail. The ability of women
to participate equally in the economic and social life of the Nation has
been facilitated by their ability to control their reproductive lives
(italics mine).
At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of
existence, of meaning, of the universe and the mystery of human life.
Beliefs about these matters could not define the attributes of personhood
were they formed under compulsion of the State.
Once more, the Court used substantive due process
undergirded by extreme individualist and egalitarian ideologies,
completely at odds with the rule of law, to strip a sovereign state of its
rightful privileges, all in the name of preserving the “fundamental right
to choose.” The precedent establishment by the Rehnquist Court in Casey
was also employed when the Supreme Court overturned Texas’ sodomy law in
the Lawrence decision.
What do we learn from this short foray into Constitutional law?
First, the road to hell is paved with fundamental
human rights. The perverted synthesis of two anti-Christian ideologies,
individualism and egalitarianism, has led to the wholesale slaughter of
America’s unborn.
Second, the revolutionary legal doctrines discussed
above are at odds with any original understanding of the Constitution.
Political elites like the idea of centralized rather than diffuse power.
Abortion and contraception are just two of the weapons wielded by
secularized elites to emasculate the institutions that mediate between the
individual and Leviathan.
Church, family, and sub-national political entities
have all been victims of the legal revolution unleashed by spurious legal
doctrines such as “incorporation,” “substantive due process,” and “equal
protection.” The Court has used misappropriated (i.e., stolen) power to
strip states of their prerogatives and centralize power in its own bosom.
In the process, it has accomplished the goals of the ruling class by
consolidating and centralizing power and allowed the slaughter of a
generation as a mere afterthought.
September 2, 2004
Darrell Dow writes from Jeffersonville, Indiana where he works as a
statistician. A misanthropic Paleoconservative, Darrell is the husband of
Kathy, and the father of Joshua and Andrew. To see pictures of the boys
and get a small glimpse into the Dow house, visit the family
website. Darrell
also maintains a
website and a new blog.
Darrell can be contacted here.
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